There are numerous materials for your garden fence and choosing the right one for your home isn’t always easy. Two of the most popular options among Western Australian homeowners are Colorbond and timber fencing. But which material is better?

In this article, we’ll conduct a direct comparison between Colorbond and timber fencing, considering the key similarities and differences between the two. You can then decide which material is more suited to your needs and preferences.


Overview of Colorbond Fencing

Colorbond fencing is made from lightweight yet extremely durable coated steel, making it a great long-term investment for your home.  It is also backed by a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty. It is available in twenty-two different colours, providing you with lots of choice when deciding on the aesthetic for your yard. Other key features of Colorbond fencing are that it’s both termite and fire-resistant, further adding to its appeal. Colorbond fencing is also easy to clean and maintain and can look great when installed at suburban or country properties.


Overview of Traditional Timber Fencing

Many homeowners choose a timber fence as a default because it provides a natural, traditional look to your home. Timber fencing can be found at many properties around Perth, both in suburban and rural settings.

Timber is widely available and relatively easy to work with, both of which are key factors in its popularity. The fact you can easily customise timber by changing its size, design and colour with domestic tools also makes it a popular material among homeowners.


Colorbond v Timber Fencing: Which to Choose?

Let’s get straight into our comparison of these two popular fence types:

Durability Comparison

Of the two, Colorbond fencing is more durable than a traditional timber fence. The sturdy, coated steel of Colorbond fencing is resistant to peeling, chipping, cracking, rust, fire and pests. It can be repainted to match your changing aesthetic, improving its long-term durability. It is also very easy to clean and is therefore a savvy long-term investment for your property.

On the other hand, timber fences are subject to more significant wear and tear, requiring frequent ongoing maintenance throughout their lifespan. Unless treated, they are targets for termites and can rot and split in Western Australia’s harsh weather conditions.


Maintenance Requirements

When you have a Colorbond fence, the required upkeep is minimal. It does well in the heat of Western Australia’s summers and can even withstand fire. To keep it in good shape, you can arrange to clean it when dirty, but other than that, it requires little upkeep.

Timber fences, however, require regular sealing, staining or painting to protect the wood’s integrity. You will also need to perform regular repairs, as timber fences aren’t as hardy as their Colorbond counterpart.


Aesthetic Appeal

Colorbond fencing is popular in Perth because it’s available in 22 different colours! This gives you ample choice when you wish to add a splash of colour to your yard. You can request a sample of the Colorbond fence that you’re interested in: ‘Cottage Green’ or ‘Manor Red’ for a federation style home, ‘Domain’ or Classic Cream’ to match light-coloured properties or maybe a popular moody grey such as ‘Basalt’ or ‘Wallaby’ for your modernist home.

On the flip side, traditional timber fencing has a charming, highly customisable appearance. It’s also natural-looking and a viable alternative if you don’t want to install a steel fence. While Colorbond is available in many colours, you can decide to paint your timber fence in any colour that you choose, meaning it, too, is fully customisable.


Environmental Impact

Colorbond is an environmentally friendly fencing option made from 100% recyclable steel. Although it has a very long lifespan, you can recycle the fence when it comes to the end of its life or if you wish to replace it with something else. What’s more, it’s free from harsh chemicals, which protects the surrounding area. Therefore, Colorbond fences are extremely environmentally friendly.

Timber fences, too, can have a limited environmental impact, particularly when the timber is harvested from renewable sources. The main environmental issue with timber is that it does require chemical treatment (CCA), small amounts of which can seep into the soil and damage the garden’s ecosystem.  


Cost Comparison

For most homeowners, Colorbond fencing is more expensive to install than timber fencing. However, because of the limited maintenance costs associated with Colorbond and the high cost of maintaining a timber fence, the former works out cheaper in the long run. So, if you’re playing the long game and want to see long-term savings, a Colorbond fence is your best option.

You can contact us for a no-obligation quote or use our handy Colorbond quote calculator to work out how much your fence is likely to cost.


Security and Privacy

Thanks to its steel composition and additional height, a Colorbond fence enhances the security and privacy of your property. It provides a barrier between your home and the outside world that’s difficult to penetrate, making it a great option for safety-conscious homeowners.

Timber fences are less secure than their Colorbond counterparts because, typically, they are  much lower in height. It’s also easier for would-be intruders to remove sections of a timber fence to gain entry to your property.


Ready to Choose Your Fence?

The bottom line is that Colorbond fencing is more durable and easier to maintain than timber fencing. Moreover, it’s environmentally friendly and offers long-term savings, even though it’s more expensive to install initially.

For security-conscious homeowners looking for a permanent, secure fence that requires little maintenance, Colorbond is the ideal choice. However, if you don’t mind annually repairing and/or resealing your fence and are looking for a more natural-looking fence for your yard, then timber is a good option.

Contact Firm Fencing today for expert advice and professional installation services. We offer affordable Colorbond fencing installation in Perth and the surrounding areas.